When we go through intense, stressful stages of relationship growth, evolution and transformation, we might go into stages of Fight/Flight/Fawn or Shutdown as a coping mechanism. It’s part of the human trip!
A balanced nervous system is the foundation of overall healing for ourselves – and our relationships. It’s FOUNDATIONAL.
Below is not an exhaustive list of my healing practices. This is not all informed by a health professional. This is in order of priority and efficacy for this time in my life and season of the year. These notes are almost verbatim from my personal journal.
Stop: caffeine. Coffee, caffeinated tea, chocolate. See what happens!!
Avoid gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley that can trigger a broad range of symptoms and conditions, from from brain fog to inflammation.
Gargle with warm water + sea salt to activate the Vagus Nerve.
Immerse in cold water. Splash ice cold water on face, hands, and belly button OR use ice on face and neck. Embracing the cold is something I’m still learning….just one-step-ata-time.
Cold shower, or a lukewarm shower that you gradually bring to cold temperature. The more you work with cold water, the sooner you can regulate your nervous system. Plunging into cold bodies of water will do the trick.
BE OUTSIDE. BE OUTSIDE. BE OUTSIDE. Nature is the greatest healer.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, aka “tapping”) if you’ve ever had a session with me you would know how much I adore this tool.
Massage “Massage of the pressure receptors in and under the skin stimulates vagal activity, which is one reason massages are so relaxing.” – Dr. Sara Gottfried, The Hormone Cure
DANCE!• Seriously, dance like no one’s watching (it’s better if they’re not). Happiness. Shaking off residual energy. Vagus Nerve nourishment.
RIGOROUS MOVEMENT Move in quick, fast movements to increase the flow of PRANA/QI/CHI throughout our bodies, chakras, meridians, and organs. Some ideas: • Shaking side to side twists and jumping jacks. Cardio exercise (running, speed walking, swimming). Running up and down stairs to fast, upbeat music
Connection. Intentional, active engagement with support groups and friends through movement and play.
Laughter IS medicine. Laughing out loudly stimulates the Vagus Nerve.
MEDIA DIET. In Ayurvedic traditions, it’s believed that the nervous system gets taxed by taking in too much information from the sense organs. Consider saying goodbye to watching the news, get off social media, and swap with meditation apps, classical music, or TV shows that engage your senses through nature. Focus on engaging the visual senses through natural scenery like oceans, under oceans, forests, mountains.
PLANTS. Essential oils of your choice. 1-2 drops on your amygdala area (base of back skull) a few times a day or when you’re meditating.
Practise Compassion toward self and others. Prayer. Tonglon Meditation. Nostril Breathing.
Since everybody’s body, lineage, energetics and needs are unique – a 30 minute ($110) or 60 minute Kinesiology Session (distant or in-person) will focus on exploring simple ways to heal and regulate your nervous system. Using muscle testing, I map out how your nervous system is influencing your body and your relationships (or a specific person).
Heres what you’ll receive in your in-person session or distant recording;
- A reflection on your current state, and whether any signs or symptoms of Flight/Flight/Fawn and/or Freeze are showing up within your system
- Specific somatic exercises and tools and rewiring resources for regulating your nervous system – foods, supplements, breathing techniques, thoughts patterns and create the most direct route to the present.
- We pour some Compassion on specific beliefs and thought patterns that are caught in a loop through a personalised EFT (emotional freedom meditation)
- Practises to healing your Inner Child.
- Guided methods to get back into alignment with your heart—where Compassion lives.
Moving into healing mode: what are 3 healing moves you can put into practice today? Simple, gentle, immediate healing.