How To Hear The Whispers Of Your Spirit

A question I’m asked most as an Intuitive Reader is “how do you hear your intuition?”

Your intuition will arrive in many ways, in many different forms.

We are all born with this inner guidance system, the key is to figure out which way your intuition speaks to you! Intuition is vibration which is why it isn’t always so straightforward, the key is getting to know the way it works for you. We have access to all forms of intuition but usually one or two will often be stronger than the other.

What is your main sense?

  • Clairvoyance – clear seeing. Receiving images +visions within your mind’s eye. This also includes witnessing the symbolic synchronicity within situations, events + people.
  • Clairsentience – clear feeling, the ability to receive intuitive messages via feelings, emotions, or physical sensations.
  • Clairaudience – clear hearing, often able to hear what others can’t
  • Claircognizant – clear knowing and deep sense of truth felt in every cell of your being

For myself, my intuition will first arrive as a fierce knowing, I sense a truth within me so strong it pulls my attention into sharp focus. This sense is called Claircognizance –  the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.

The second intuitive hit I receive is clear seeing known as clairvoyance, I receive images, words, and symbols in my mind’s eye.

There isn’t one specific way to connect to your own inner guide and no one way to tune out the noise as well as the overwhelm and the fear. There are many ways – whatever works for you is the right way.

Here’s the sequence that works best for me – (in no particular order)

Ask clearly then distract yourself!

Receiving wisdom from your intuition isn’t a passive experience. Get specific about the information you need and what kind of answers you’re looking for. The more clearly you pose your questions to your innate wisdom, the clearer the answers will be. Once you have asked your questions, get out of the way! When I feel stuck or uncertain about a decision, a little healthy distraction doesn’t go astray. I engage in an activity or experience that brings me fun and lightheartedness. By turning your attention to something that you love (an afternoon at the beach with my boys) will connect you to your spirit – where all the answers lie! Try coming back to your question right after you’ve done something fun and playful.

Let go and listen

Impatience will drown out your intuition, take a toll on your energy, and leave you feeling tired and stressed. Give your body time + space to integrate the subtle messages you receive. The best way to hear your intuition is to kick back and receive the insights, so take a bath, get a massage or spend a little time in nature.

When I create space within my day for quietness and stillness, my inner voice is always louder. Intuitive messages are subtle and can fade from your conscious mind very quickly unless you take action to record them. Journal writing is my favourite way to access intuition and capture its wisdom – try it, you’ll be amazed at the clarity of what comes through!

Follow the trail

This is one of the most important steps to remember when you include your intuition in the decision-making process – your intuition won’t reveal the whole picture all at once. You’ll receive a little bit at a time, and like a trail of breadcrumbs, each time you take a step forward, you’ll notice another piece of bread. The more you spend time acting on your intuition the louder and louder it becomes. And when you find yourself facing an obstacle, you’ll find that the solutions come quicker because your conscious mind is used to trusting your intuition. Try placing one hand over your heart and then state out loud – my intuition says I need to ______ and fill in the blank. Experiment and play with your intuition by acting on and following what it shares.

Trusting your intuition might be difficult at first if you’re not used to it, but give it time and remind yourself when your hunches were right. When your connection with your intuition is clear, there’s a natural flow of energy that gets you where you want to go with confidence and you feel focused and clear on your next step.

I’d love to hear how you access your intuition, hit reply and share how it works best for you.

All my love,


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