Unavoidable Conflict

Your head and heart have been in conflict at times over the course of your life. It’s unavoidable and okay. The constant fluctuations of the mind, can make it difficult to remember that a delicious sanctuary lies within. Within this vast space, the reverberation of your own heart sound can be heard.

Years ago, when I was without sight, I became obsessed with stethoscopes and would sit daily (perhaps in training) listening to, and feeling for the sonic current of my own heart. It is through the heartbeat that we experience a kind of love that moves through the blood, it inspires, energises and senses the way forward, it can move you through dangerous pathways and respond to what is before it even occurs in the physical world.

It is within our own beating heart that we find true love, void of preference or attachment of the mind. Now..the mind is important but it can not supplement heart intelligence. You will know when it’s your mind trying to take the lead, it’ll be out front, seeing and sorting everything out in advance, in order to feel safe. 

The mind sees, plans and strategises but it’s truest role is to serve the truth of the heart. That is, to create a spacious chamber to receive the sacred sound of your heartbeat – you don’t need a stethoscope to do this, music, beauty, meditation, reflection, devotion will move you into the subterranean.

Or simply placing your hand over your heart whilst uttering

“I love you”

” I trust you”

” Please, beat in harmony with the greater plan of my life”

We unfold our ideal futures from the feeling of the heart space – and the world needs this more than ever.

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