A few thoughts on healing….as always, my guiding philosophy on philosophy is to take what feels good and ditch the rest.
I believe wholeheartedly that the Soul speaks through the body, I’ve seen it first-hand within every Kinesiology session, but there’s a potentially massive pitfall to **chronic**analysis – we New Agers tend to overthink our somatic, embodied everything.
I know what it’s like to be in the thick of over-analysis. I dealt with a debilitating eye condition for years. I was so ashamed of how severe it was. Why can’t I heal myself, which parts of me need fixing? And if I ever mentioned it to holistic-type person, they’d lean closer to me and say, as if they were giving me the cure to the plague, “Eyes are about seeing, what don’t you want to see?” Oh really? Thanks so much. Because I haven’t already “looked into one hundred possible causes” or practitioners about this. Bless the good intentions, truly I mean that.
If only healing were that straight-forward – not every condition, injury, or heart-break can be easily explained or corroborated with a spiritual lesson. And that’s okay. It’s really, really, okay. Sometimes the experience of pain/illness can be a much needed, dramatic wake-up call. And other times, it might be an initiation into our greater healing capacities.
For me: healing started with learning how to co-exist with the mystery of it all – a monumental lesson, because it isn’t always a finish line you have to step over in order to be healed. It will never be linear. You will take steps forward, you will takes steps back but you’ll always be growing.