Kinesiology Sessions

One on One

Want to crack your energy code, discover the source of your stress, and try a gentle approach to healing and self-acceptance? Then I’ve got the soul balm for you.

A 60-minute Kinesiology session can help you address that niggling feeling that life could be better or get clarity around a specific issue you’re dealing with.

Whether you’ve got a hunch that you should change jobs or an inner knowing that a past experience is steering your future in the wrong direction, I can help you shift from a reactive mindset to an intentional one.

You’ll learn how to listen to your inner guidance system and receive personalised homework and practical spiritual tools to use at home, so you know how to deal with obstacles and challenges on your own moving forward.

Pricing: One payment of $240 due upfront. Available to clients worldwide via Skype. In-person sessions available at my private clinics based in Melbourne or Kyneton, Australia.

Book and pay for your session below